CustomChenillePatches.com takes pride in the spirit wear and chenille patches that we create. We believe that we are helping to secure memories that will last a lifetime just like the patches that we manufacture. In the future we will be expanding our catalog of products to include more football patches, baseball patches and just about every sport that there is.
We promise to create designs that you can find nowhere else and that will be customized to fit your specific needs.
Custom Chenille Patches offers the full spectrum of chenille patches and letterman jacket patches. From generic designs you choose your own colors. Patches and Services are arranged in 9 groups to help you more easily make your selections. Below is a brief description of each of these groups. The examples on the right are patches that may or may not contain your school colors; you will pick your school colors or colors to fit your needs during the order process.
Custom Chenille Patches offers a wide variety of completely customizable letterman jackets and patches. Do not be resigned to simply do what everyone else has done. This is your expression of your sacrifices. Let Custom Chenille Patches help you design something that will set you apart from the rest of the team! Custom Jackets take 6-8 weeks.
Sport Patches includes every sport you can think of. Football, Cheerleading, Baseball, Swimming, you get the picture! They are all here.
State Patches can be made for any of the fifty U.S. States, and can be used to show special honors like your team making the state finals!
Large back patches are 15 inches across that cover most of the back of a jacket. They can be states or names. Contact us to get something special.
Circle patches are the most versatile of patches. Use a circle patch to commemorate any event. From being on the football team to National Honor Society
Class of patches are used to mark that special year when you graduate from high school or college. There are several different styles of class of patches to choose from.
Number patches are used to signify the number that you you just think that you are number 1. They are simple patches that bear you schools colors.
We will design and make any mascot patch that you want. Just ask us how.
These patches are used on the front of jackets and sleeves.
We carry a minimum of 6 patches for custom designs. You provide us a design (or we can create one for you for a fee) and we will give you a price for your patches. Before anything is actually created we will send you digital proofs of your custom chenille patches so that changes can be made before we manufacture any patches.
Our friendly support is just a Click or Call away!

We're here to help with all of your questions and would love to talk with you about your Chennile Patch ideas. Please feel welcomed to reach out with your questions and our knowledge staff will be happy to assist. You can email us through the link below, contact us by a different method on our contact us page or call us direct at 903-768-9048 CLICK TO CALL QUICK CONNECT FORM
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